Want to make sure you get an interview and pass the initial online test questions and telephone interview? In one month we can bring you past the first two stages of a Big 4, Investment Bank or marketing interview. Don’t believe it?

*This article is for people who don’t have many friends in interviewer-level positions in the Big 4, and want to know how to properly prepare

**All advice below comes directly from industry and Big 4 professionals – no generic online information, no information that only existed for interviews 5 years ago, guaranteed.

Do I have to prepare for the big four now?

Our Big 4 staff have said more than 70% of students give generic information, even after having obviously read hundreds of articles online, and going through an interview prep service. So how do you stand out among the tens of thousands of applicants? You need to start prepping in September, before all the other students even think about job interviews.


September 2 – September 24, Saturday and Sunday every week, two hours

& September 30 (maybe change) bonus session


WeChat group of phonetic explanation + pictures + interactive answering questions

Who is the course for?

  • postgraduates or have graduated from 1 to 2 years of undergraduate students
  • undergraduate freshman as early bird
  • will apply B4 in China
  • want to practice interview & online application tips

How much does it cost?

First of all, the common sense about the average job training institutions charge at £4000-6000. There are some agencies that are more than 15,000! Yes, you read that correctly, the unit is the pound! And how much does UniFuture charge for such a premium class?

Original cost £3000, but in order to build our brand, we are offering this September 2017 Wechat series for just £199, if you bring three friends, it will cost you just £149, Six people only £99!!!

Still have any questions? Email us at rosej.London@gmail.com

Why could UniFuture help you get the offer?

Please see our about us page, as well as our student feedback pages.

Attend a Jack & Rose courseAll our information comes from Big 4 and Investment Bank staff, who will often give you feedback via the homework exercises. However,our Wechat courses are priced at 10% of our competitors’ courses, and we do this so you can make sure our content is useful, before later buying one of our October premium courses or one-on-one sessions if you want even more help.


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